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“Welcome, my name is Andrea.  I have been a certified Pellowah Healing Trainer since 2004 and it has been my honour to attune many individuals to this amazing healing modality.   Pellowah means “radical shift in consciousness.”   It activates your own spiritual light from the inside out.  It has been life changing for me, and because it works on the DNA level, I believe it significantly helped me clear my genetic health condition from three generations naturally.  I personally believe vibrational medicine, like Pellowah, will play a significant roll in the 21st century, and possibly become the natural medicine of the future, because it works on the auric level, where imbalances first start, mentally, emotionally, physically & spiritually.”

by Andrea Sun

PellowahTrainer, CertIVT&A, QigongTrainer, BHSci(Acu), ResultsCoach,mANTA

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Are you ready to answer the call to step up and make a deeper impact and income?

(and strengthen your health, wellbeing and nervous system as well)


You know its your time…

(but fear of what other people think is holding you back)


Come and learn this powerful, transformational 2 day Pellowah Healing CERTIFIED Training and…

  • Radically shift your consciousness
  • Accelerate your spiritual growth
  • Reconnect to your Intuitive True Self
  • Receive transformative healings and learn to give to your family, friends, pets and clients
  • Release fear and family conditioning with more ease- without having to dig around in past issues or spend years in therapy
  • Strengthen your wellbeing and health: physical, mental and emotional health
  • Feel more emotionally calm, confident, trust yourself and your intuition more

This has happened to many of my clients who have attended this transformative 2 day Pellowah CERTIFIED Training and worked together afterwards to embody this…


What’s unique about Andrea Sun’s Magnetic Pellowah Healing CERTIFIED Trainings and Sessions?

  • 18yrs experience teaching Pellowah Healing Courses, and 30yrs experience as a Womens Vitality and Intuition Coach, Holistic Acupuncturist, Remedial Massage and Qigong Teacher
  • REPEAT any of my Pellowah Empowerment Healing Courses: Level 1 & 2 for only 25% of the fee
  • FAST TRACK your health and business goals: with regular Pellowah Empowerment Attunements: once a fortnight or month
  • FREE Pellowah Empowerment Healing private Facebook group to stay in touch with others and swop free healings regularly when you feel inspired
  • This is a certificate course, so you will be given Level 1 and Level 2 certificates, which enables you to give professional healings to the public, to support your current modalities and amplify your client results.  If this interests you let me know, as I recommend doing 20x practice case studies prior to this.


I personally guarantee you’ll receive significant benefit from these   courses. If you swop a minimum of 6 healings after the course, and you don’t feel it has been of benefit to you, you can repeat the next Pellowah course for FREE, so you DO benefit!





Phone me to book or clarify any questions you have:

Andrea Sun: Phone 0404 809 030



Magnetic Pellowah Healing CERTIFIED Training: Level 1:  

Saturday 2 November 2024: 10-6pm (Brisbane, Australia)

Pellowah Healing is 100% pure energy from the Source of Life.
Safe- simple- non-touch- fully clothed- transformative- anyone can do it!

That’s your intuition talking and it KNOWS
what you need to thrive in life!

Main Benefits People Report:

  • feel centred, new lightness & a fresh new perspective on challenges
  • with regular healings: many people feel a relaxed, positive wellbeing that seems to last for weeks or months
  • improves self confidence & trust in yourself
  • shifts fears and limiting patterns
  • calms the mind
  • unlocks & aligns all meridians
  • handle setbacks with more ease, grace & flow
  • feel clearer, decisive and focused
  • feel more balanced physically, mentally, emotionally & spiritually

Other Benefits:

  • Give healings to your family, friends or pets for the rest of your life and support them to thrive
  • Or swap healings for FREE for the rest of your life and never have to pay for a healing again!
  • 8 CPE (continuing professional education) points
  • receive a pallowah healing certificate level 1

Manual, certificate, morning & afternoon tea & snacks, BYO Lunch & meeting some wonderful, positive like-minded people!

Magnetic Pellowah Healing CERTIFIED Training: Level 2:

Sunday 3 November 2024: 8.30-4.30pm (Brisbane, Australia)

This is a simple, empowering, natural way to magnetise your health, business and personal goals with more flow and ease

  • discover more energy, enthusiasm, purpose, feel deeper trust in your true self and intuition
  • Connects all 12 strands of DNA ready for activation.  Each strand of DNA stores a particular string of knowledge and as we evolve and learn to connect and activate these strands accessing our so far hidden knowledge, the way we do things and the way we see and interact in our world will change.
  • empowers you to fully take charge of your life and make positive, decisive steps in alignment with your true gifts and potential
  • You’ll receive a Pellowah Healing Level 2 Attunement that enables you to connect with your True Self and your Life Purpose (similar to having 100 Pellowah Healings)

This is a deep empowerment shift.
With this connection you can then bring that higher energy and consciousness into your every day life.


Manual, certificate, morning & afternoon tea & snacks, BYO Lunch & meeting some wonderful, positive like-minded people!

Enhance your physical, emotional and spiritual health 

and business flow in 2 days…


Magnetic Pellowah Healing CERTIFIED Training: Level 1 & 2 

Level 1 & 2: Sat-Sun 2-3 November 2024 (Brisbane, Australia) 

To book your spot or clarify and questions you have:

Phone: Andrea 0404 809 030


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Start 2023 A-FRESH as the NEW magnetic YOU!!!

“Magnetise your Health and Business Goals with more sustainability, flow and ease”    (#nomoreburnout)

Set yourself up as a Professional Pellowah Practitioner and encorporate Pellowah into your client sessions…

for more transformative and lasting client results….

Pellowah Practitioner Success Mentorship (online)

  • Master this amazing Pellowah Healing
  • Swop healings (online- in person and distant)
  • 30x case studies
  • Client form
  • Client care
  • Practitioner care
  • Offer it to all my past pellowah students
  • Invite qualified pellowah students to join in (who’ve studied under other people)
  • People with Sensitive auras- vibrational healing, Pellowah healing, sprays (clear it on the auric level first, only hits the physical level if you don’t listen to your intuition or suppress it.. that’s why people get the cancer etc)- balance your aura when very sensitive and brings your energy back to yourself- disease prevention
  • Managing and holding energy and clearing from my field
  • Calling energy back- does this belong to me?
  • Intuitive Human Design reading
  • Aura alignment- If a lot of open centres, and in fear, more likely to attract negative energies or attaching spirits (eg. Louis)


  • Magnetic True Self Coaching
  • Make business & personal decisions more aligned with your intuition, true self & purpose
  • Learn the 4x Magnetic Habits for mindset, physical, energetic and intuitive alignment
  • Andea’s 5 minute Qigong for Confidence, Energy and Immunity
  • Pellowah Healing Certificate Courses: Level 1 & 2: (Huge magnetic vibrational upgrade- similar to 110 x Pellowah Healings)





Magnetic Accelerator:
(building ongoing magnetism and sustainable health, physically, emotionally and spiritually -HUGE magnetic vibrational upgrade)
*30 minute VIP 1:1 5x Pellowah Healing Level 1& 2 attunements and PERSONALISED Magnetic Meditation eg. for magnetising your ideal clients, business opportunities or better health (equiverlant to 510 x pellowah healings) 
*$199 aud per fortnight or per month

Magnetic Success Stories



To book your spot, or clarify any questions you have:

Phone: Andrea 0404 809 030


Magnetic Pellowah Healing Sessions: