Revitalising Acu-Pressure Qi Massage


Therapeutic Acu-Pressure Massage Bed & Meditation
Brisbane Clinic, Australia

  • stiff back or legs or body?
  • need to let go and physically relax your body?
  • need a good therapeutic-back massage at a good price?
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Health & WellBeing Benefits:

Twin Acu-pressure rollers that massage all the Acupressure Points from your feet to your head (along the bladder channel- see diagram)
Supports revitalisation of all your Internal Organs (by massaging all your Back Shu Points)
Slow, continuous, rhymical waves are deeply relaxing for your nervous system & body
Very meditative- supports you to let go and relax, and receive more
Economical way to start to take care of your health regularly

December Xmas special:

1st introductory 30 minute session= only $29 (normally $40)

  • 1x 30 minute session= $40
  • 3x 30 minute sessions= $110
  • 6x 30 minute sessions = $199
    (*valid 3 months maximum)